Publication Ethics

Author Ethics


Authors must provide information about the research process and results to the editor honestly, clearly, and comprehensively, and keep research data properly and safely.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript is original, written by themselves, sourced from their ideas, and not plagiarize the works or ideas of others. Authors are strictly prohibited from transferring the sources available to anyone else's name.

Redundant Submission

Authors must confirm that the submitted manuscript has never been submitted to another publication. If there is any redundancy, the editor will reject the manuscript.


Authors must ensure they meet the requirements in their field of expertise corresponding to the field of publication. The first author (or co-author) must be accountable for resolving any issues that arise during the process.

Correction of Errors

Authors should promptly notify the editor of any errors found in the manuscript, whether in names, affiliations, information, or other content that may affect the manuscript's meaning and credibility. Necessary corrections should be announced and addressed immediately.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest that might influence their manuscript.


Editor Ethics

Publication Decision

Editors must conduct a thorough, transparent, objective, fair, and wise review process, forming the basis for manuscript acceptance or rejection. The editorial board acts as a team in decision-making.

Information Management

Editors must ensure the clear and efficient use and distribution of both printed and electronic information.

Peer-Review Distribution

Editors are responsible for distributing manuscripts to reviewers and managing the review and evaluation process.

Objectivity and Neutrality

Editors must remain objective, neutral, and honest in assessing manuscripts, regardless of the author's gender, business affiliations, ethnicity, religion, race, or nationality.


Editors must maintain the confidentiality of all information, especially regarding the author's privacy and manuscript distribution.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

Editors must avoid conflicts of interest to ensure a smooth and fair review process.


Reviewer Ethics

Objectivity and Neutrality

Reviewers must be honest, objective, unbiased, independent, and committed to scientific truth, regardless of the author's gender, business affiliations, ethnicity, religion, race, or nationality.

Source Clarity

Reviewers should ensure that references and quotations are appropriate and credible. Any errors or irregularities should be reported to the editor for correction by the author.

Review Timeliness

Reviewers must respond to manuscripts within the specified peer-review period (maximum 2 weeks) and report any delays to the editorial secretariat.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

Reviewers must avoid conflicts of interest to ensure a smooth and fair review process.