Archive Policy

Archive Policy

Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis (JUKONI) adopts an Archive Policy to ensure the preservation and accessibility of published articles:

  1. Digital Preservation:
    JUKONI employs digital archiving strategies to ensure the long-term preservation of all published articles. Articles are stored in secure digital repositories to safeguard against loss or damage.

  2. Accessibility:
    All published articles are made freely accessible to the public immediately upon publication. JUKONI supports open access principles to promote widespread dissemination of knowledge without barriers.

  3. Metadata Archiving:
    Comprehensive metadata associated with each published article is archived to facilitate accurate indexing, searchability, and citation tracking. This includes details such as author names, affiliations, article titles, abstracts, keywords, and publication dates.

  4. Version Control:
    JUKONI maintains version control of all articles to track revisions and updates accurately. This ensures transparency and accountability in the publication process.

  5. Backup and Recovery:
    Regular backup procedures are in place to protect against data loss. JUKONI ensures robust backup systems to recover archived content in case of unforeseen events.

  6. Compliance:
    The Archive Policy of JUKONI complies with international standards and best practices in digital archiving and preservation. This commitment ensures the reliability and integrity of the archived content over time.