Author Guidelines

A. General Requirements

To meet the minimum standards of Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis (JUKONI), submissions must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Manuscripts should be written in Indonesian or English and must include an abstract and keywords in English.
  • The paper should be in English and formatted to A4 size.
  • The text should be typed in two columns.
  • Line spacing should be single, with one space between lines.
  • Margin formatting should be: Top 1.9 cm, Bottom 4.13 cm, Left 1.43 cm, and Right 1.43 cm, using mirror margins.
  • Text should be in Times New Roman, 10-point font, and prepared using Microsoft Word.
  • Figures must be numbered, with titles placed below each figure, using single spacing.
  • Tables should be numbered and titled above each table, also using single spacing.
  • Author names should include complete affiliation addresses and corresponding email addresses.
  • Papers should be between 6 to 10 pages in length. Papers exceeding 10 pages will be evaluated by the editors.
  • Authors should use reference management tools like Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote and follow the APA citation style.
  • Ensure that the paper is formatted using the JUKONI template.
  • Submissions must comply with the journal's Ethical Statement and Copyright Transfer Agreement.

B. Structure of the Manuscript

Manuscripts should follow the structure below:

  1. Title:
    The title should be in sentence case without acronyms or abbreviations and should clearly indicate the focus of the study.

  2. Abstract:
    The abstract should provide a concise summary of the manuscript, not exceeding 250 words, and should be written in Times New Roman font, single-spaced. It should not contain citations and should cover the problem background, proposed solution, research design, methods used, experimental results, analysis, and conclusions.

  3. Section Structure:
    Articles should follow the IMRaD format:

    • Introduction
      Explain the importance or necessity of the research. Describe the problem or situation that motivated the study, review the current state of research, identify a gap, and explain how the current research addresses this gap. Hypotheses, if any, should be presented at the end of the introduction.

    • Methods
      Provide details on how the study was conducted, including population, sample, methods, and equipment used. The methods section should be detailed enough for replication, using past tense and passive voice.

    • Results and Discussion
      Present the findings in the Results section, using past tense. Tables and figures should be labeled and numbered separately, with captions above tables and below figures. The Discussion section should summarize the main findings, relate them to other research, discuss study limitations, and suggest future research directions.

    • Conclusion
      Provide a brief summary of the main outcomes. Discuss whether the claims are supported by the results and how the research advances scientific knowledge.

  4. References:
    Include a minimum of 20 references, with at least five from the last ten years, unless older sources are justified. The content is the responsibility of the authors, but the editor may correct grammar and make necessary changes.

For any correspondence related to submissions, contact