
Plagiarism Policy

Articles submitted to Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis (JUKONI) will be checked for plagiarism. JUKONI will promptly reject any papers found to contain plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

Before being sent to reviewers, submissions are initially checked for similarity by a member of the editorial team. Papers submitted to JUKONI must have a similarity level below 25% (excluding the bibliography), and the similarity score for any single source must not exceed 1%.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person's ideas or words as one's own without proper permission, credit, or acknowledgment, or due to failure to properly cite sources. Plagiarism can take various forms, including literal copying or paraphrasing someone else's work. To accurately determine if plagiarism has occurred, the following situations are considered:

  • Literal Copying: Directly copying another author's work word for word, in whole or in part, without permission, acknowledgment, or citation. This can be detected by comparing the original source with the suspected plagiarized manuscript.
  • Substantial Copying: Reproducing a significant portion of another person's work without permission, acknowledgment, or citation. This refers to both the quantity and quality of the copied material, with an emphasis on the importance of the copied text relative to the entire work.
  • Paraphrasing: Rewriting ideas, words, or phrases from a source in new sentences without properly citing or acknowledging the original source. This type of plagiarism is harder to detect but is equally unethical.

Forms of Plagiarism Include (But Are Not Limited To):

  • Quoting terms, words, sentences, data, or information from a source without proper citation.
  • Using ideas, opinions, views, or theories from a source without adequately acknowledging the source.
  • Rewriting words or sentences from a source's ideas, opinions, views, or theories without proper citation.
  • Submitting scientific papers produced or published by others as one's own work without proper acknowledgment.


JUKONI will ensure that every published article does not exceed a 25% similarity score. Plagiarism screening will be conducted using Turnitin.


If plagiarism is detected, JUKONI will apply the following sanctions, depending on the severity:

  • Reprimand
  • Warning letter
  • Revocation of the article
  • Cancellation of publication

This policy helps ensure the integrity and originality of the research published in JUKONI.